Privacy Policy

Javson Group International Pty Ltd (Add ABN: 77 627 313 964) understands the importance of the privacy of the customers very seriously. We collect customer information to improve the shopping experience and to communicate with you about the products, services and promotions. We maintain and use customer information responsibly. We take all reasonable steps to keep our website and your information secure.


The personal information we got from you to register with us is as follows:

  • Full name
  • Phone number
  • Email address
  • Business name
  • Shipping address
  • ABN number (if applicable)

With the use of this information, we aim to offer the best customer service and give you a better experience while using our website. With this information, a unique personalized account is given to you which is password protected and editable. To provide you with the relevant information on our current product lines. Give you a better buying experience with upgradation time by time. For the shipping and return purposes. And communicate with you smoothly.

We gather your personal information while the registration process, through emails, phone calls or through personal encounters. However, we may share some of your certain information for shipping purposes or in offering you the best customer service. During checkout point, we require to pay online. For that, we directly land you to the website of the payment service you choose during checkout.

We do not hold your credit card or any payment information.


This website is linked with many third-party websites or links. We do not have any control over these websites or links once you will using these websites or links to leave our website. This privacy policy is not applicable on any third party links or websites which are integrated with this website and requires you to take caution and check the privacy policy of the respective links and websites.